====== Brandon Gilles ====== Brandon Gilles (June 15th, 1986 - August 3, 2023), a dedicated electrical engineer, possessed a profound enthusiasm for the realms of robotics and artificial intelligence. His academic journey led him to the University of Colorado Boulder, where he successfully earned a degree in electrical engineering and computer science. During his professional career, he contributed his expertise as a software engineer at Ubiquiti Networks, where he took on a leadership role in the development of UniFi, a robust platform designed for the management of network devices. Additionally, his contributions extended to UISP, a specialized software tailored for wireless internet service providers. In the year 2019, Brandon, alongside his partners Vlad Vyskocil and Shawn McLaughlin, established Luxonis. This pioneering venture is dedicated to the advancement of spatial AI and computer vision, with a specific focus on embedded machine learning and depth vision technology. Luxonis's crowning achievement is the creation of OAK (OpenCV AI Kit), a series of cameras uniquely equipped to execute neural networks directly on a dedicated chip, enabling them to perceive the three-dimensional world that surrounds them. These OAK cameras find extensive application in diverse fields, including robotics, security, agriculture, healthcare, and education. Beyond his professional accomplishments, Brandon Gilles also held a deep interest in sharing his knowledge and insights with the wider community. He actively maintained a blog and YouTube channel where he delved into various facets of spatial AI and computer vision. His content spanned topics such as object detection, semantic segmentation, recognition, landmark detection, motion estimation, and video encoding. ===== Illness and death ===== Brandon openly documented his journey fighting against serious health problems, from June 2021. [(LogRef>> title: ME/CFS, COVID-19 Post-Sequelae & Mental Health url: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X3dNPgEuQ2j8x7w8OqLEDP7l2z8_SSgMN-XdM8Uk58Q/edit )] In fact, according to the log he shared on the internet, his health conditions started to decline sharply after the vaccination with Moderna mRNA C19 vaccine. He did contract COVID-19 in January 2020 while in Taipei, but that time he did recover without lingering symptoms. Instead he experienced fatigue and other issues following Moderna COVID-19 vaccinations in April 2021 (batch 019B21A) and May 2021 (batch 023C21A). In June 2021, Brandon's health took a sharp decline. He lost weight and sought medical help, but doctors found nothing conclusive. December 13th, 2021 saw him receiving a Moderna COVID-19 vaccine booster (batch 045J21A). He took this extra dose of vaccine, because he did not recognize that with high probability the worsening of his health was connected to C19 vaccines themselves. His doctors did not have enough experience with the matter to recognize this. December 23rd, 2021, he was again ill with Covid-19 and he needed to do quarantine. Looking at the following facts, it is possible to think that he was victim of Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), because of the suboptimal antybodies created by vaccines, with the consequence of experiencing exacerbated illness. In early 2022, Brandon faced constant fatigue, brain fog, sleep disturbances, and gastrointestinal problems. He experienced significant weight loss and underwent various medical tests, but doctors again couldn't pinpoint the cause. In July 2022, he was tentatively diagnosed with Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) / myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), which he attempted to self-treat with some success, allowing him to regain some mobility. Unfortunately, Brandon's condition worsened again in the following period also with sympthoms of POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) and again a drastic decline in his health. By February 2023, he could barely walk, he lost control of his limbs, and had to be supported with IV fluids and a feeding tube. He had so many debilitating conditions that for him became difficult to play with his children and he needed continuos assistance. He died on August 3, 2023, at the age of 37, while he was taking a strong antibiotic agains an infection, caused by the weakend immune system. He left two small children and his loving wife. Official narrative says that he died because of consequences of long Covid, but looking at the facts it is difficult to believe this. Scientific analysis makes think that the cause of health worsening and death has probably been vaccines adverse effects.