SONG ====== Most High ====== {{youtube>cqw5UMWumjo?full}} \\ **Most High** //author: Paolo Spoladore// //album: [[|Unanima]]// //chords: [[]]// // language: italian// /* SONG ====== Most High ====== Most High Almighty good Lord, Yours are the praises, the glory and the honor and every blessing that to you alone to your Most High name we can raise and no man can think himself worthy to name you. Praised be my Lord with all Your creatures especially for brother sun so beautiful and radiant with his light you illuminate the day and you illuminate us and with great splendor it speaks to us of You Lord. Praise and bless the Lord, give thanks and serve, with great humility, praise praise bless the Lord, with great humility, give thanks and serve, with great humility. Praised be my Lord through Sister Moon and the stars, you formed them in the sky so clear, precious and beautiful, for brother wind and for the air and the serene and every weather, thus life you grow and sustain in every creature of yours. Praised be my Lord for sister water so precious, for friar playful and powerful fire that lights up the night for us, praised be my Lord for sister our mother the earth, sustains and governs us and gives us flowers, fruits and grass, Praise and bless the Lord, give thanks and serve, with great humility, praise praise bless the Lord, with great humility, give thanks and serve, with great humility. Praised be my Lord for those who, for Your love, forgive and endure in peace all persecution, who now death has found living in Your will, by You Most High one day they will be crowned by You. Praise and bless the Lord, give thanks and serve, with great humility, praise praise bless the Lord, with great humility, give thanks and serve, with great humility. Praise and bless the Lord, give thanks and serve, with great humility, praise praise bless the Lord, with great humility, give thanks and serve, with great humility. //(automatic translation)// */