~~NOTOC~~ \\ {{ :smiling-girl-min.jpg?400 |}} \\ ====== FOCUSING ON THE EMOTIONS* OF DAILY LIFE ====== ====== A GUIDE FOR THEIR MAINTENANCE ====== ====== Or ====== ====== How to change without trying too hard ====== ===== by Ilan Shalif (Ph.D.) ===== \\ ---- Originally written in Hebrew by the author and assistance of associates Copyright and responsibility - I. Shalif Submitted by I. Shalif E-Mail gshalif@netvision.net.il Home Page Snail-mail: Ilan Shalif P.O.B. 13331 Tel-Aviv 61132 ISRAEL The right to copy sections of this booklet or even all of it is granted to all, on condition that it is done without textual or spelling errors and with no commercial intent or monetary profit. In copying or quoting, the source may be mentioned but it is not mandatory. __ * The term "emotions" stands here as a representative for the general content various aspects of which are called by the different names of, "emotions","passions","moods","feelings","the subjective experience", "felt sensations", "felt bodily sensations", etc. The reason for this choice - if not obvious - can be found in the following chapters. Cover image by Omnipedia.net ---- ===== THE CONTENTS ===== What "Focusing" is and what it is not 1. Prologue "It is all in the head" So what? 2. For whom the following chapters are intended and for whom they are not The good news: The bad news: Respect for the suffering Only improvement The vengeance of psychology 3. How and why to read this book 4. Key to concepts, abbreviations and strange words 5. Do it yourself - now! I. A warning for beginners II. First stage - the beginning steps of guided sensate focusing First step - know thyself Second step - finding the exact address The third step - more intimate acquaintanceship with sensations The fourth step The fifth step The sixth step Summary of the first stage III. Daily Focusing 1. The nape of the neck 2. The facial muscles and the vocal cords 3. The mouth 4. The muscles of the body in general 5. The common excitations and itching 6. The general survey 7. Focusing on the emotional expressions of others IV. Second stage - recycled emotions (for very advanced focusers only) Why to recycle Why not Psychoanalysis? Hurrah for the practical leftism A - Reconstruction of neglected opportunities B - Lost & Found C - Changing behavioral patterns D - A violent patrol E - Popular scientific literature, art works, nostalgia F - A most violent patrol G - The provocations V. Synthetic emotions or "remedy before disaster" VI. Special projects - for advanced focusers only VII. Impossible missions??? 1. Steps to be taken against psychosomatic disturbances 2. Increasing the pleasure derived from smoking or curbing the habit The first step - preliminaries The second step - getting acquainted with the habit The third step - the beginning of the real struggle The fourth step - the real struggle itself The fifth step - branching to restrictors and abolitionists The sixth step - the decisive struggle The seventh step - the final assault Regular maintenance Vicarious focusing on smoking 3. Regulating the sexual functioning and reducing disturbances 4. "Cultivating the voice" and the reduction of tension 5. Controlling the body weight First step Second step Third step Fourth step Fifth step Sixth step VIII. Concluding remarks 6. A short guide for the focusing "coach" I. General recommendations for professionals II. The main body of the guide to the focusing "coach" A general introduction The first focusing session The first step of the first stage The second to fifth steps The sixth step Summary of the first session The following sessions 7. The emotions What are the emotions The biological basis of the emotions The basic emotions The list of 15 basic emotions: The essence of emotional phenomenon How are the emotions of daily life created? The emotional experience 8. The activation programs 9. Ad hoc activation programs 10. Supra-Programs 11. The emotional supra-programs 12. The cover-programs 13. The trash-programs Why are programs trashy? Common roots of trash-programs 14. How it really works Paying attention Biofeedback or how the head works "Illegal" feedback or "how the trash-programs are hunted" The lost paradox Selected Bibliography Supplement: A form for marking the time when bad habits are activated