la libera enciklopedio




Manifest is the independent encyclopedia where traditional knowledge and modern science have the freedom to meet.

Independent in the sense that it selects as primary reference sources with minimal conflicts of interest and therefore that are truly based on the scientific method, without influences due to market pressures.

There are several advantages to using independent reference sources. These sources are more likely to be objective and impartial, as there are no hidden interests. Transparent and responsible sources of information can provide a check on any distortions that may be present instead in the mainstream research stream, often financed by large private companies. In the case of economic interests at stake, it is important that these are declared and that the methods of carrying out the study have been correct, without infringing the procedure based on the double blind and therefore the objective evaluation of the data.

Priority will be given to knowledge and technologies in the various fields of knowledge that can be used without incurring patent problems, so that they can be used worldwide by the largest possible percentage of the population.

We believe that human beings are all brothers and sisters and therefore we wish to use our energies to develop the common good of all. Our encyclopedia is also translated into Esperanto as a symbol of the fact that excellent mutual understanding can be achieved at an international level by creatively devising new ways to allow people of different cultures to communicate with each other, in any case remembering and respecting their origins of everyone.

We believe it is possible to develop a culture of Peace, if each of us takes a step in this direction, in the area in which we live, with our everyday choices, becoming an example for others as well. We believe in dialogue, diplomacy and therefore in meeting each other, as a peaceful method for resolving conflicts.

We believe that it is necessary to respect the environment in which we live and all living beings, as St. Francis said, because planet Earth is our home which it is important to take care of and animals are also our companions to love. Yes, it is possible to take care to avoid chemical and radioactive contamination of the environment to leave our children a better world, still suitable for life. Yes, it is possible to avoid unnecessary suffering to animals, for example by abolishing intensive farming and also those heartless scientific studies, in which the animals of the experiments are sacrificed, without any moral scruples. American Indian culture can be a beautiful example for us of respect for animals and nature, because they had a deep spiritual connection with the natural world. They believed that all creatures are connected and that everything in the world has a Spirit.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's message can help us reach a future of spiritual evolution, love and fraternity because it underlines the importance of the spiritual dimension in our lives and the interconnectedness of all things. It also emphasizes the importance of love and compassion in our relationships with others. The same is true considering the precious messages of wisdom and teaching that have been left by many other spiritual masters, who have lived in the past in different cultures and geographical areas, drawing on different ancient traditions, which constitute the most authentic roots of all humanity.

All the contents of are protected by a free licence, the Creative Commons CC BY-SA, which allows their reuse on condition that the same license is adopted. In addition, it is requested that in the event of reuse, the purposes are compatible with those described in this manifesto.

en/omni/manifest.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/13 15:23 by omnipedia