la libera enciklopedio




Green tea

Green tea is a type of tea that is made from the Camellia sinensis plant. The leaves and buds of the plant are steamed, rolled, and dried before they are used to make green tea. Green tea has been consumed for centuries in China and other Asian countries for its health benefits.

Green tea is made by steeping the leaves and buds of the Camellia sinensis plant in hot water. The resulting liquid is then typically consumed without adding milk or sugar. To preserve its properties, the infusion of green tea should be made between 75° and 85° celsius, not more.

Green tea has a slightly bitter taste, but it is also refreshing and slightly sweet. The taste of green tea can vary depending on the type of tea and the quality of the leaves used.

Health benefits

Green tea is rich in antioxidants, which can help protect the body from damage caused by free radicals.

Green tea has many health benefits, including reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Green tea is also a good source of antioxidants and can help improve mental alertness and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Green tea has also been linked to a lower risk of some chronic diseases, such as cancer.


en/green-tea.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/20 18:24 by